
Angels unware

     Hebrews 13:2 says, Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.

     Recently, I went to a local store to purchase a few items. As I approached the building, I heard someone walking up behind me. As I entered the store, a young man opened the door for a lady coming out of the store with a bouquet of balloons. I noticed the young man had limitations. He continued holding the door for a lady behind me pushing a baby stroller. 

     I walked around the outside perimeter of the store. I heard someone approaching me from behind. The person loudly said Hey. I looked back and noticed the same young man who had opened the door for the lady with the bouquet of balloons. He said, here and handed me a shopping handbasket. I smiled,  took the basket, and thanked him.  

     It was so sweet of the young man to notice I didn't get a handbasket. His loving nature shows he has a loving and caring family who raised him. As our scripture says, we can entertain angels unaware like I did that day.  


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