
Completing the Mission

     Work begins immediately to restore the walls and gates to Jerusalem. The people built sections according to where they lived. There were twelve gates and the portions between the gates were repaired or replaced and the locks put in place. The laborers included a priest, goldsmiths, merchants, and apothecaries. Father and son teams worked together and Shallum's daughters helped him.

     Sanballat mocked the Jews when he heard they were rebuilding. Tobiah, the Ammonite said their work was so terrible a fox could tear it down.  Nehemiah prayed. (See his powerful prayer in Nehemiah 4:4-5.) They continued constructing the walls.  The Arabians, and the Ammonites, and the Ashdodites, heard the walls were being built.  They were wroth and conspired to fight against Jerusalem to hinder the work. 

   The Jewish people prayed. Nehemiah set guards along the wall to keep watch.  The people armed themselves with swords, spears, and bows. Half of the people stood guard while the other half labored. Each laborer had a sword girded at his side. They worked from daybreak until the stars appeared. If there was any aggression a trumpeter was ready to sound the alarm.  Although, the Jewish people were threatened on 10 occasions. Nothing ever happened.The wall was complete in 52 days.  

    Read Nehemiah chapters 3-6. The Jewish people were faced with opposition. They were mocked and had constant rumors of being attacked, which frightened them. They worked long exhausting hours. They worked for the Lord. Their trust was in him.  Psalm 46.1 God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Recall a time when God was your refuge and strength. 

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