
Divine Appointment

    I love to read the "God Wink" books, by Squire Rushnell. His true short stories keep you captivated as the story flows from the pages. Each story unfolds detailing coincidences that happened only by divine intervention throughout the text.

    I recently went with my husband to an eye doctor appointment at the VA clinic in Wilmington, NC. When his name was called, I went to the back with him.  The lady did one eye exam. They didn't have room for me in the next exam room. I took a seat in a small waiting area in the hallway.  Two men were already seated, facing me.  I asked the men if they were from Wilmington.  I told them we were from Jacksonville.  The man on my right was from Wilmington.  The other man was from Jacksonville.  I told the one from Jacksonville that we actually lived at Rhodestown.  He lived at Rhodestown.  I told him the name of the road, where we live.  He lived on the same road.  I told him we lived at the end of the road.  He lived at the end of the road.  (We actually live about a half-mile from each other.) I said, "Well hey neighbor!!" I found out, I knew his wife from school.  Her brother and I graduated the same year.  It is amazing to be an hour from home, and meet a neighbor, that you have never met before, and you both live on the same, three-mile-long dead-end road. The other guy said, he used to live in Jacksonville and  installed home security systems in the Rhodestown community. He remembered installing them on our road.

    The guy from Wilmington said, to me, "You truly amaze me, I could never talk to a stranger. You talked to us and found out you were neighbors!"  I said, "Well it sure does pass the time away."  I asked them where they were originally from?  The one from Wilmington said he was from Pennsylvania.  The other guy was from Pennsylvania.  They exchanged the names of the towns they were from and they were from adjoining towns.  They both reminisced about the good old days and places that only they knew about.

    Only God could align all three of us to be at the same place at the same time on the same day. What A Mighty God We Serve!!

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