
Fishers of Men

     My dad's favorite pastime is fishing. To be a good fisherman, you need the right bait and know the best places to fish. You must be patient to fish all day and catch nothing.

     Read Luke 5:1-11. After Jesus finished speaking to the crowd, He asked Peter to launch out into the deep water and let down his net for some fish. Peter told Jesus they had fished all night and caught nothing, but he would do as Jesus instructed. He let the net down in the deep water and caught so many fish he needed help. He motioned for another ship to come to his aid. They filled both ships, and both ships started to sink. Jesus told them they would from now on be fishers of men. When they got back to land, they left all they had and followed Jesus.

     Imagine the amazement on Peter, James, and John's faces when their boats couldn't handle the number of fish they caught. Compare those fish to the souls of men. When Jesus said he wanted his disciples to be fishers of men, he included all Christians in that endeavor. You have to be a believer in Christ to be a fisher of men.  Your bait is the Holy Bible. You may fish where ever you go. 

    Since I first got saved, I have fully cared about souls. Every person I walk by, I wonder if they are born again, Does your heart yearn for lost souls? If not, your heart needs to get back into alignment with God so you can get back to fishing for lost souls?




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