
God is our Refuge

Can you think of a time you were out of your comfort zone? Read Psalm 91: 1-16. He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. Isn't that a good place to be? The Lord is our refuge and shield. He covers us with his feathers and pulls us under his wings like a mother hen does her chicks.

If you are God's child, the Holy Spirit lives inside of you and rescues you from harm. It is good to know God watches out for us.  In December 2020, someone claiming to be a British celebrity contacted me through Facebook messenger wanting to give me a care package, including his autographed cookbooks.  He requested my address and the nearest airport so he could deliver the package to me in person. 

Not knowing this individual, I feared for my safety. I didn't give out any information. I wrote him back and stated I didn't want his care package or cookbooks.  

God is our refuge and fortress when we trust in him. He is our strength and guide when we abide under him. He is our protector and shield. Verse 11 states he gives his angels charge over us. God's complete package is greater than any worldly package.  

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