
God knows our thoughts

   Psalm 139: 1-3 says O Lord thou hast searched me, and known me. Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising; thou understandest my thought afar off. Though compassest my path and my lying down, and art acquainted with all my ways.  

     I have a school friend that got married after finishing the eighth grade. I didn't even know she was seeing anyone. So it was a shocker to me when ninth grade resumed without her. At that time, we lost contact with each other.

     Twenty-four years later, I noticed her dad's name in the newspaper's obituary section. A friend told me where her parent's lived, so I visited her and her family in their home.

     I found out my friend is in her second marriage. She lived in Washington State, married a cop, and has no children. We exchanged addresses and wrote to each other for a few years. 

     I recently searched for a phone number in my address book and came across my friend's name. I wondered how she was doing and if she still lived at the same address. So I added up the time, and it had been another twenty-four years since I last saw her.

     The next day, I received a friend request from my friend on Facebook. I accepted her request and found out she was still living at the same address and doing well. I told her I had seen her name in my address book the night before and wondered how she was doing? I told her God is awesome! She cried! 

    It is amazing how the years played out between my friend and me. It is good to be in contact with her again. Although my friend and I live miles apart, our friendship is close at heart!

     I am thankful God knows our thoughts and gives us the desires of our hearts. I am grateful God knows our location and He doesn't lose contact with us. 

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