
God's Mercy

    Psalm 89:1 says, I will sing of the mercies of the Lord for ever: with my mouth will I make known thy faithfulness to all generations.  

     What a beautiful testament from David. We, too, should have that same testament and bring all of our family into God's fold. 

     On Friday, February 16th, 2024, my husband and I drove to Chapel Hill, NC, for a doctor's appointment. It is a two-and-a-half-hour one-way trip. We got there safely and back home. On Saturday, the 17th, my husband had his routine dialysis appointment. Later that afternoon, I went to town and purchased groceries.

     We started out for church the following morning, but our car wouldn't start. It was amazing that we hadn't had any trouble with the car before that day. We drove another vehicle to church. After church, we started the car with a battery charger. We drove the car to an automotive parts store. They tested the battery and told us it was not working correctly. We purchased a new battery.  

    God showed us His mercy to let the car break down in our yard under our carport. What a mighty God we serve!


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