
God Supplies the need

Read Numbers 11: 10-35. Have you ever needed help? Moses needed help when he was leading the people to the  promised land.  Moses heard complaints from the people. They wanted meat to eat. Moses was weary. His responsibility was great in trying to meet the needs of the people. 

Moses said to the Lord, I can not handle these people alone because the burden is too heavy to bear. 

God told Moses to choose 70 men of Israel's elders and tell them to assemble at the tabernacle.  Moses did as instructed. God came by cloud and spoke to them. He put his spirit in them so they could prophesy to the people and help bear the load.   

God also told Moses since the people wanted meat, he will give them meat to eat. They would not get it for one or two days, but for a whole month until they were sick. 

God caused a large wind to blow quail from the sea. They flew about three feet off the ground around the camp. The people caught the birds, prepared them, and ate them. The ones that lusted after the meat also died. 

After finishing this story I wanted to leave you with a few more thoughts.  We need to pray for our leaders, our president, our pastors. They do have a burden upon them. Another thought, we like Moses, have a promised land.  Have a blessed day!

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