
He took my place

     Psalm 46:1 says God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. What a beautifully true statement. My husband experienced this first hand when he was a drill instructor for basic training at Parris Island Marine Corp. Base. 

     On March 25, 1975, my future husband's assignment was to assist the recruits on the grenade range. However, his assignment was changed at the last minute. Unfortunately, a grenade went off, killing the recruit and the drill instructor who took his place. 

     I am thankful God spared my husband's life. He gave his heart to Christ twenty years after the grenade mishap. Today he's in heaven. 

    Jesus died on the cross in our place for our sins. We are his recruits when we accept him as Lord and Savior. God gave us the assignment to tell others about him. When God calls us home, our mission will be complete.


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