
Is that your hand, God?

     In the fall of 1999, a friend of ours was scheduled to have quadruple heart bypass surgery. The morning of his surgery, I was in a hurry for work. It came to me as I was driving to pray for him. I had forgotten to pray before I left home. I started praying. Lord Bless, Mr. Humphrey. Comfort his family. Guide the doctor's hands as he does the surgery. Help him not to be in any pain and help him to come home quickly from the hospital. We love him, Lord. Just protect him, Lord. Thank you, Jesus; in your precious Holy name, I pray, Amen! I looked up at the sky. There was a dark black cloud ahead of me shaped like a hand. I could make out all of the fingers perfectly. There were no other clouds in the sky, and the rest of the sky was blue. I said, God, that looks like a hand. Is that your hand, God? It immediately changed to the Okay sign. I looked down and looked back up. It was still there. I was in awe. I watched as it disappeared.

     Mr. Humphrey's surgery was a success. He went home earlier than most heart patients from the hospital. We visited him two weeks later at his home. Mr. Humphrey said the surgery was better than he expected. He praised God and stated he was not in any pain either. God is so good. He watches over us and protects us. Jeremiah 33:3 says, Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not. Amen!

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