
Love Beyond Measure

     Have you ever looked at something taking place around you and think one thing.  Then realize later it was not the way you perceived it to be?  That happened to us.  We were in town during lunchtime. We stopped at Burger King to eat.  When we were ordering our meal, some people came up behind us.  We moved on, got our drinks, and sat at a table by the window.  For the first time, we could see the couple that was behind us at the counter.  They finished their order and walked toward the drink counter. The man was elderly, thin, and frail.  He walked with a limp. He wore a cap that said, World War II Veteran.  The lady was younger than him.  She too was thin. She had a beautiful face.  She held onto him as they walked to get their drinks.   He got her drink and handed it to her.  Then he got his drink.  They walked over and sat down at a table beside of us.  She said, Dad did you get some napkins and ketchup?  He said, No. She said, We really need some napkins.   The man got up to get the napkins and ketchup. 

     The lady from behind the counter brought out their tray. She placed it on their table and returned behind the counter.

     I heard the lady say, Which burger is mine? She waited a few seconds. Then said, Which one is mine without the onions? That's when I realized she was blind! I got up and looked at her tray.  The burger closest to her was the one without the onions.  I said to her, Here is the one without onions.  I touched it so she could hear the paper.  She picked up the burger and placed it off the tray, closer to her.  I told her I was sitting beside her and that he had gone to get the napkins...I thought she was helping him and he is her caregiver.  

     This beautiful story shows us the love of a father for his child.  Our heavenly father loves us beyond measure and sometimes  we are blind to his love.

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