
Love Lives On

Friday, November 13, 2020, was a sad day for me. On that day, I watched the man I loved most in this world, my loving husband of 31 years, draw his last breath here on this earth. November 19th, we buried his body in Coastal Carolina State Veterans Cemetery. Since that day, I have visited his grave many times. I have placed flowers on his grave and examined his grave marker to ensure all is not disturbed. My motivation for these visits is not to talk to my husband but to show how much I loved him. My husband's body is still there, even though his spirit is in heaven. The love I had for my husband reminds me of a woman in the bible that had a love for a man that also died. 

Read John 20: 1-18. Over 2000 years ago, on a Friday, Mary Magdalene stood on a hillside outside of Jerusalem watching Jesus, whom she dearly loved, die hanging on a cross. Her heart was broken, and her hope was destroyed. She watched as they took His body off the cross, and she followed them to the place they buried Him.

Early the following Sunday, she, along with some other women, returned to that same grave. Motivated by her great love for Jesus and gratitude for what he had done for her, she had come to the tomb to anoint the body of Jesus and to dress it properly for burial.

Imagine her surprise when she arrived at the tomb and discovered not only the Spirit of Jesus was gone, but His body was missing. She then received the comforting words from an angel, "He is risen, as He said," Turning to the tomb, she met the resurrected Lord and heard Him call her by name, and received directions to tell His disciples He was alive.

You may be asking, what does this have to do with me, what does it mean? It's effortless. Motivated by our great love for Jesus and using the same power of God that raised Jesus from the grave, which is available to us, we are to serve Jesus and do what He tells us to do. 

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