
Memorial Day

     John 15:13 says Greater Love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. Yesterday, May 31, 2021, was an American holiday called Memorial Day. We remember the fallen men and women who lost their lives defending our great country and our freedoms. Many people take this holiday and sacrifice for granted. 

     In observance of the holiday, I drove to the cemetery to visit my husband's grave. The road leading into the Coastal State Veterans Cemetery had large American Flags standing along the pathway.  A single American flag was placed behind each grave marker.  There were rows and rows of flags as far as my eyes could see. It was a beautiful, humbling sight to behold. The cemetery was crowded with people paying respect to their loved ones. 

     As I walked through the people to get to my husband's grave, I thought of the sacrifice Jesus made for us on the cross. We should honor and respect Jesus every day because he illustrated his love for us by laying down his life for our sins. If you have not accepted Jesus' sacrifice, you still have time. Please, do not delay. One day it will be too late. 


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