
Mission Complete

     After the wall was built, the gatekeepers, singers, and Levites were appointed. Nehemiah gave charge over Jerusalem to his brother Hanani and Hananiah. Hananiah was the ruler of the palace, who was a faithful man that feared God above many.

    The city was large and the people were few. God pressed upon Nehemiah's heart to return the people back to their home by genealogy.  He gathered the nobles and rulers.  They gave him a written register of the genealogy of the people. Each family's lineage was checked and confirmed. Some people that entered could not prove their genealogy. A few of these people were priests. They were excluded from the priesthood as defiled. They were told they could not eat of the holiest things until a high priest says they could prove their genealogy. Altogether 42,360 Jewish people returned to Jerusalem.Their servants and animals were also counted. Some of the heads of the fathers gave gold, silver, and priestly garments to the temple treasury for the work that was done. 

     Read Nehemiah chapter 7. As the people returned their lineage was checked against a registry to see if they were accepted into the assembly.  In order to get into Heaven, your name needs to be written in the Lambs Book of Life. One day Jesus will check the book for your name.  Will it be there? Read Rev. 20:12-15.

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