
Paying Tribute

     There is a congressman from South Carolina on my face book feed.  He is a Godly man.  He keeps us abreast of the happenings in our nations capital.  I don't look at all of his posts. Last week, I just happened to see one of his stories.  There were so many negative comments directed toward the congressman and the church. Some people said nice things about the congressman. They gave them negative comments too.  Several said, the church needs to be taxed if they are not going to agree with the government and their laws.

     I wanted to say something to give God glory and teach a lesson in the process.  This is what I typed. 

    "Jesus paid taxes.  He didn't have to because of who he was, but he didn't want to offend anyone.  He told Peter to go to the sea and cast a hook.  The first fish you take up will have a coin in his mouth.  Take the coin and pay the taxes for you and me. God is awesome!!"

     Nobody commented on my post. A few days later one person liked it.  Praise God for his word!!  This generation badly needs his word.  Matthew 28:20 says, Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:

This generation is starving to death spiritually!!

 *Matthew 17: 24-27 tells of the tribute money!!



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