
Prayers Answered

     Nehemiah 2: 1-9 shows the beauty of God's love toward Nehemiah and his beloved Jewish people. Nehemiah's fasting and prayers to God had prepared the king's heart to be receptive.  Usually when a cupbearers countenance is down, they were liable to be executed.  

     Nehemiah gave wine to the king.  The king asked him why he was so sad. He told the king the city of his father's sepulcher was in waste and the gates were consumed with fire. The king said, what do you request of me? Nehemiah had been praying for four months for this moment.  He said another quick prayer before he answered. He said, if it pleases the king and if thy servant has found favor in thy sight, that you would send me to Judah, to rebuild it. The king asked him how long he would be gone. He gave the king a time frame.

     Nehemiah said to the king if it will please you, let letters be given to me to the governors along the way so I may pass over their land.  He also asked to get timber from the king's forest to use to rebuild the wall and city. The king granted him the leave, the letters, and the timber.  He also sent captains of his army and horseman with him to help. 

    What a mighty God we serve!! Jeremiah 33:3 says Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.    

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