
The Called

     I usually wait until the last minute to title my stories.  Today, the title came to me as I read the scripture. Everyone has a calling on their life. How many obey the call? Our lesson today is about the life of Nehemiah.  

    Nehemiah was the cupbearer for the Persian king Artaxerxes.  Nehemiah heard from his brother Hanani that Jerusalem was in ruin. The walls were broken down and the gates were burned.  The remnant of the people in captivity was in great affliction.

     The shock of the news of Jerusalem hits Nehemiah hard. He sat down and wept and mourned certain days, and fasted and prayed before the God of Heaven.

     Read Nehemiah chapter 1. Notice how Nehemiah pours out his heart to God. He repents for Jerusalem and for himself. He pleas for the restoration of Jerusalem. He asks God for favor with the king.  

    We find out in the next chapter Nehemiah prayed for four months before his prayer was answered.  We will touch on that next time.   Reflect on a time God answered your fervent prayer.  

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