
The Feast of Tabernacles Restored

     Remember when church revivals lasted a week or longer? The ladies of the church took turns hosting a meal for the pastor, the visiting pastor, and their families each night. That time and fellowship was so enjoyable. We had special singing nightly. The spirit of the Lord flowed and the altar was full. We worked full-time jobs, had children, and enjoyed spending time in God's house. Read Nehemiah chapter 8:13-18.

     The second day the chief fathers of the people, the priests, and Levites gathered together unto Ezra the scribe to understand the words of the law. They found written in the law which the Lord had commanded Moses, that the children of Israel should dwell in booths in the feast of the seventh month.The children of Israel had not observed this covenant for over 900 years.They announced in all their cities to go out to the mountains and bring back olive branches, branches of oil trees, myrtle branches, palm branches, and branches of leafy trees to make booths as it is written. 

     The people went out and gathered branches. They made booths either on the roof of their house or in the courtyard or in open squares. The whole congregation of them from the captivity made booths and sat under them, and there was great gladness.

     From the first day to the last day Ezra read the book of the law of God. They kept the feast seven days and on the eighth day they had a solemn assembly.

For further reading on the Feast of Tabernacles (or Booths) see Lev. 23:39-44.

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