
The Floating Axe Head

     The sons of the prophets said to Elisha, "We need a place to dwell. Let us go to Jordan, and cut trees, and make us a place." They asked Elisha to go with them.

    When one of them was cutting a beam, his axe head fell into the water.  He was upset. He told Elisha, because he had borrowed the axe. Elisha asked him, "Where did the axe head fall  into the water?"  He showed him.  Elisha cut a stick. He threw the stick into the water to the place the axe head had disappeared. The axe head floated to the surface.  He got the axe head back.

    There is nothing too hard for God. God loves and cares for us even in the little things.  When you tell God your burdens, then the "Glory of the Lord" will be revealed.

This story is found in 2 Kings 6: 1-7.

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