
The Heavenly Radio

     Psalm 37:4-5 Delight thyself also in the Lord, and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.

     When I drive my vehicle, I enjoy listening to Christian music on the radio. The music is inspiring and speaks to my heart. So I recently decided to purchase a stereo for my home to continue listening to music throughout the day. However, I looked at the stereos and was not comfortable making a purchase. 

     A few days later, I thought of a stereo again and remembered a boombox my husband brought into the marriage thirty-one years ago. We never used It, and it was placed on a shelf in a closet in a spare bedroom.

     I got the boombox down.  It is an "old school" Panasonic radio and recording cassette player with a graphic equalizer. It plays beautiful music and brings back fond memories of my husband.

     It is incredible how God recalled that radio to my memory, and indeed  He gave me the desires of my heart. 

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