
The meaning of the gates of Jerusalem

    Nehemiah 3 lists some of the gates that were repaired when the wall of Jerusalem was rebuilt. The gates have a regular name with a spiritual meaning. Let's take a glimpse of the gate's names and their meanings. The sheep gate symbolizing calvary. The fish gate symbolizing fishing for men. The old gate symbolizing the old nature. The valley gate symbolizing the valleys of life. The dung gate symbolizing our righteousness. The fountain gate symbolizing the living waters of the spirit. The water gate symbolizing the water of the word of God. The horse gate symbolizing spiritual warfare. The east gate symbolizing Christ returning in the eastern skies. The miphkad gate symbolizing the judgement seat of Christ.

     These gates were usually closed for their protection.  In the new Jerusalem the gates will not need to be closed any longer. Read Revelation  21:21-27.

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