
Time and Season

   Solomon, the writer of Ecclesiastes, wrote to every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:  Read Solomon's beautiful poem in Ecclesiastes chapter 3 verses 1-15.

   In 1976, my high school office practice teacher helped her students find jobs. She had another girl and I put in a resume and do an interview for a Bank of NC job. I got the job.  

   Since that time, I graduated, got married, and moved to another state.  I moved back to North Carolina and worked several jobs. The Bank of NC went out of business and the county took ownership of the building. 

     On March 25th, 2011, I retired from the Department of Social Services located in the same building; my career started 35 years earlier. My life had gone a full circle to end up where my career began. 

     The shell of the building looks the same on the outside. The interior had major renovations. We, too, are changed on the inside when we surrender our life to Christ. God uses the different seasons of our lives to change us and shape us into what He desires us to be. 

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