Universal Blood Donor
1 John 1:7 says But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.
In September 2020, my late husband had a double heart bypass surgery. They lost him on the table as they were closing his chest. The doctor massaged his heart and got it beating again. They put him on life support and placed him in ICU.
That first night, they gave him 21 pints of blood. The next day, they took him back into surgery to stop the bleeding. They still gave him blood daily and kept a small cooler in his room with his blood type for the first two weeks of his hospital stay.
My husband's blood type was B-positive. That blood type fit him perfectly. Nothing seemed to get him down. He always had a positive attitude. He had many things that should have gotten him down, but they didn't.
He never knew who his father was. He had two younger brothers that didn't have a known father. When he was ten, his mother walked out on the family, and they never saw her again. He was sent to another state to live with his mom's sister and her husband. His grandmother raised his six-year-old brother. His two-year-old brother was adopted.
My husband's aunt and uncle had three daughters they raised simultaneously. As a result, he never felt like he fit in and left for BootCamp the day after graduating high school.
In 1995, Jesus came into his life. He had a new purpose in life. He read his Bible, took Bible classes, and loved his Jesus.
I am very thankful to the donors who gave their blood so my husband could live longer. Unfortunately, his blood type was rare; only eight percent of the population were type B positive.
I am thankful Jesus shed his precious blood for our sins. Jesus is the Universal blood donor. He died on the cross to pay our sinful debt and to save all who believe in him.
I am grateful my husband confessed Jesus as his savior and lived for him. Unfortunately, my husband had complications from his surgery and passed away 60 days later. Now he is with his Heavenly Father and healed in Heaven.
If you haven't accepted Jesus as your savior, know he shed his blood for you too. Repent of your sins and ask Jesus to come into your heart and forgive you so you can go to Heaven, too.