
By Faith

     Daniel kneeled and prayed three times a day to the one true God. Daniel was one of three presidents. King Darius favored him over the other presidents because of his excellent spirit.

     The presidents and princes were jealous of Daniel and plotted to get rid of him. So the presidents and princes asked King Darius to write a decree not to allow prayer to a God for 30 days. Darius signed the ordinance into law. And the penalty for praying would be a night with a den of lions.

     Daniel did his regular routine, kneeling and praying before the Lord. The men assembled and found Daniel praying. They went to the king and told him Daniel is not regarding your decree.   

     The king regretted the law, trying to see what he could do to change it. But there was nothing he could do. So the king commanded, and they brought Daniel and cast him into the den of lions. 

     The king didn't sleep that night. He fasted and rose early and went to the den of lions. He called out to Daniel. Daniel answered My God sent his angel and shut the lion's mouths that they have not hurt me. I am innocent king, and so are you.  

    The king was glad for Daniel and commanded his men to take Daniel out of the den. The king commanded they bring the men who accused Daniel and cast them into the den of lions along with their children and wives. The lions crushed their bones before they even touched the den floor. 

     We need to always be like Daniel and stand firm in our faith and not let the ways of the world influence us.  You may read this story in Daniel chapter 6.

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