
God's Timing

     As I try to write, tears are streaming down my face.  The past two months have been hard without my husband.  I passed the year mark of his surgery, untimely death, and our anniversary.  During that time, I could not write.  

     Today, I went shopping in a store with only one checkout line. The lady ahead of me's shopping cart was full.  So the lady behind me and I struck up a conversation. She had a few items in her hand.  I noticed she had some styrofoam for a grave.  She told me she was getting it for her husband, who passed from a heart attack two weeks ago.  I told her my husband died last year. I went into detail about my husband's heart surgery and him on life support.  I told her I was at peace with my husband and knew where he was, and he is healed on the other side. I told her I was glad her husband didn't suffer.  She said so many people had told her that, and she was amazed at the peace she had from the Lord.  As I paid for my items and started to go, I told her I enjoyed our conversation and wished her a Blessed Christmas.  She replied she was inspired and blessed by our chat and wished me well.  

     It is incredible how that lady and I were at the same place simultaneously.  We each suffered a significant loss, and God placed us there together to comfort one another.

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