
Lasting Peace

     John 14:27 Jesus says, Peace, I leave with you, my Peace I give to you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

     I will be going on Medicare in two months. I have reviewed healthcare plans for the past few weeks to decide which is best for me. Not knowing which carrier to use and having a deadline is stressful.  

     Insurance carriers are pushing for the Medicare Advantage plan. After reviewing the plan, I knew it was not what I wanted. I wanted to ensure I could visit any doctor and didn't have to worry about being in or out of a network. I wanted a medicare supplement to cover what regular Medicare didn't cover. 

      I lost my late husband in 2020. The toll of what he went through and the aftermath of his bills have weighed heavily on my mind.   He had a double heart bypass surgery and was in the hospital in ICU for 60 days.   He had Medicare and a supplement. I had to pay $18.01 for a blood test that was not approved. His insurance paid the rest of the bill, over two million dollars.  

     An insurance agent came to my home. After I explained what I wanted and needed, he assured me he had my best interest in mind.   He told me he had the perfect plan for me. I could go to any doctor in the United States or abroad. I will have a dental and eye care plan, as well as a hearing and drug plan. I will not have to pay any co-pays when seeing a doctor. I will have a deductible for the first through the sixth day of a stay in the hospital, which is 299 dollars per day. My supplement will pay me $300 a day for each hospital stay. That money will pay the deductible. 

     This insurance plan was precisely what I wanted and needed for Peace of mind. I am thankful for the insurance agent who drove two hours to my home, listened, tailored a plan, and assured me maximum coverage and security for my future with a supplemental medicare plan of just $24.48 a month.

     This Peace of mind does not compare to the Peace that Jesus gives us through his plan of salvation. Jesus's plan has no age restraints, and you will be eternally secure. Accept him today before it is too late.

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