
Lighting the way to God's Provision

     Philippians 4:19 says, But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. This scripture came to mind after an incident that took place recently in my home.

     I wrIte notes as I do my bible study. My composition book was getting full, prompting me to look for a new one. I looked at The Dollar Tree and Walmart for a composition book and didn't purchase any. A few days later, I heard a loud crash in my house. Upon searching for the cause of the noise, I discovered the light on in my husband's closet. His closet has remained untouched since before he passed away seven months prior. The clothes rack and shelving unit holding my husband's clothes somehow went up and out of the V-shaped holder holding it in place. Boxes on the shelf with our children's old movies fell to a shoe rack below. When falling, it pulled the pull cord to turn on the light. Another shoebox fell upside-down, spilling its contents onto the floor. I picked up the shoebox, revealing two new composition books on the floor.

     What a mighty God we serve! Not only did a light come on to show me the way to the crash site, but the very thing I needed was in the upside-down box. I had no idea the composition books were in that shoebox. My husband was a frugal shopper. The price on the books said four for a dollar. God will supply your needs no matter how great or small. 

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