
The Master of the Wind

Read Matthew 14: 22-33.

Jesus went up a mountain alone to pray. The disciples got on a ship and sailed out to sea. The wind on the sea was contrary tossing the waves.

Jesus approaches the ship walking on top of the water. Peter sees Jesus coming toward them. Peter said I want to walk to you on the water. Jesus said, Come!

Peter steps out of the ship and starts walking. The gusting winds frighten Peter. He begins to sink and cries Lord save me!.Jesus stretched forth his hand and caught Peter. Jesus said to Peter, you had little faith. Why did you doubt?

They get on board the ship and the winds cease. The occupants worshiped Jesus and said thou are the Son of God.

Three key points in this passage I want to share with you. #1. Jesus went alone to pray. He spends hours praying to intercede for us.

#2. Peter said, Lord save me.  Wow-what a phrase! Do you think that was a conicidence? I think it was to show a form of salvation to the world. 

#3. They got in the ship, and the wind ceased. When you are going through something, don't go through it alone. Ask Jesus to ride out your storm with you. He will calm the storm and carry the load for you. 

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