
The name above all names

     Psalm 91:15 says He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honor him. 

     On Sunday afternoon, June 2, my husband and I traveled to Chapel Hill, North Carolina, for his hospital appointment the next day. I was driving, and my husband, Tom, was looking at his cell phone.  

     Between Beulaville and Kenansville, a deer emerged from the woods about thirty feet ahead of our car. The deer looked at us and ran toward our car like he wanted to ram us. I said, Lord! Lord! As I started to apply my brakes, the deer changed course, turned, and ran directly in front of the vehicle within a foot of us.   

    I am truly thankful and amazed the deer didn't hit us. As the scripture says, When we call on the name of the Lord, He is faithful and will honor us. He will be there with us in our time of trouble and deliver us. 

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