
Who is your neighbor?

     A certain lawyer asked Jesus, Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life? Jesus answered his question with a question. What is written in the Law? The Lawyer said, THOU SHALT LOVE THE LORD THY GOD WITH ALL THY HEART, AND WITH ALL THY SOUL, AND WITH ALL THY STRENGTH, AND WITH ALL THY MIND; AND THY NEIGHBOR AS THYSELF. Jesus told him he was right: this do, and thou shalt live. The lawyer asked Jesus, who is my neighbor? Read the parable of the good Samaritan in  Luke 10:25-37.

     The parable states a certain man traveling from Jerusalem to Jericho was severely beaten and robbed by thieves. They took the man's clothes and left him half dead. The thief's attitude is what is yours is mine.   

     A priest and Levite came by and saw the severely beaten man. They passed by on the other side of the road and didn't try to help. Their attitude was what is mine belongs to me. 

     A Samaritan journeyed along the road and saw the severely beaten man. The Samaritan showed compassion and administered first aid to the man. He gave him oil and wine for pain and dressed his wounds. He took the man to an inn and cared for him.  Upon leaving, the Samaritan gave the innkeeper extra money to provide for the victim until his health returned. He told the innkeeper if we owe more, I will repay you when I return this way. His attitude is what is mine is thine. 

     Jesus asked which one of these was a neighbor to the one which fell upon the thieves? The lawyer said the one that showed mercy. Jesus said to him go and do likewise.

     Do you recall a time when you showed compassion to a neighbor? Has someone shown compassion toward you? Open your ears, eyes, and heart and go out and show compassion toward others.  


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